Tag Archives: Brian Rotsztein

Featured Speaker: Brian Rotsztein

Brian is an inbound marketer with 16 years of experience. He’s been using WordPress since version 1.6 (2005). His companies (RedstoneX.com and Uniseo.com) provide WordPress services (web and mobile design, marketing, programming, plugin development, etc.) and he likes to give back to the community. He has spoken at WordCamp Montreal (4 times!) and WordCamp Ottawa.

Presentation: Content Marketing with Guest Posts

My presentation is Content Marketing with Guest Posts. It will cover the basics of how to guest post on blogs and contribute to online magazines. This can be helpful for SEO, social media marketing, and personal branding. WordPress is a great platform to use for that purpose.

What do you want folks to learn from your presentation?

I’d like attendees to understand how WordPress can be used for promoting written content and amplifying reach in the “modern era” of online marketing. It’s a powerful tool to get more people to consume useful content. Bloggers and the business community can benefit from this presentation.

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